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Healthcare in Iceland is overwhelmingly just public healthcare that one gets through healthcare clinics (heilsugæsla). But if there is an emergency or anything major then it is best to go to Landspitali, the national teaching hospital in Reykjavík.

Health clinics

The clinics are called Heilsugæsla. But they are accessed through the website. Through the website you can take care of most of your healthcare needs like making an appointment, look at your vaccinations, or switch branches of your clinic, etc.

Healthcare record

You have a right to view your healthcare record. This can be requested at your healthcare clinic by making a request at the reception desk.

But for the healthcare record for the hospitals, you have to make the request through, their website on the page labelled: Beiðni um afrit úr eigin sjúkraskrá eða mæðraskrá. Currently, it seems the form is only available in Icelandic. Also, the records will also only be in Icelandic.

Information about access to your Icelandic health records can is on